Saturday, March 16, 2013


Since Pope Francis is an honorary board member of the Argentinian Chesterton Society, perhaps now would be a good time to read (or re-read, as the case may be) Chesterton's St. Francis of Assisi. (Though I cannot say for sure, of course, still, given those circumstances and the Pope's obvious devotion to St. Francis, it would not seem improbable that the Pope might have read GKC's book on St. Francis).

We know that Pope Pius XI was familiar with the book, as Chesterton mentions in The Resurrection of Rome that the former had said "some very generous things about a sketch I wrote of St. Francis of Assisi." (And, of course, Mumford and Sons incorporates a passage from it in their song "The Cave.")

In any case, it is a good book to read. :-)