Saturday, December 8, 2012

GKC and stolen umbrellas

Not quite sure of the source for this GKC quote yet, but regardless of whether I can track down the source or not, the quote is too good to pass up.

The portly prophet G.K. Chesterton once observed that he knew the Catholic Church was for him because when he went into to an Anglican or a Methodist church his umbrella was still at the back where he left it, but when he went to a Catholic church it had been stolen.


  1. :-) haha not sure what the indication would be about the congregation but that is probably true.

  2. haha i just recently had my umbrella stolen from my church after a daily mass! i thought it was pretty hilarious at the time.. i guess GKC would agree :)

  3. LOL! Wow...what a coincidence. Yeah, I guess you're right. :-)

  4. Maria: See the link for more context. :-)

  5. You know I had to think of this for a bit before I got it LOL Wow I am a little slow on the uptake. :)

  6. It was actually Monsignor Ronald Knox, not Chesterton...
    'Creed in Slow Motion': Chapter on Second Mark of the Church: Holiness.

  7. Thanks for letting me know! I suppose that explains why I couldn't track it down. ;-)
