Friday, September 16, 2011

Examples of G.K. Chesterton's Influence

Yesterday, I finished revising my list of examples of GKC's influence (which is linked to in the info at the top of the blog, btw).

Basically, besides wishing to add some more examples (while pruning a little from what was there before), I also wished to make the presentation look better. The old list looked very cluttered, but hopefully now the new list looks only somewhat so. lol.

Anyway, here is the link

Examples of the influence of G.K. Chesterton


  1. First of all I want to thank you for the tremendous amount of resources you have on this site it's awesome!
    Secondly I would like to ask you if you happen to know or a fact about the books he read Chesterton in his lifetime or how many books he had in their personal library?

    My name is Ricardo Garcia :)

  2. I apologize for not replying to this before. (I must have missed it. Oops!)

    Anyway, if by some chance, you do read this some time, thank-you for your kind comments!

    Unfortunately, I am not sure of the answers to your questions. However, they might know at the American Chesterton Society.
