Sunday, January 9, 2011

Clarence Darrow

Chesterton debated many people during his lifetime, including (of course) George Bernard Shaw, as well as H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, etc.

One of the people whom Chesterton debated a couple times was Clarence Darrow. Given their greatly different viewpoints, and the fact that (unlike Chesterton's relationship with Shaw and Wells), they were not close personal friends (Darrow living in America, of course), it is interesting to read Darrow's tribute to GKC.

"I was favorably impressed by, warmly attached to, G.K. Chesterton. I enjoyed my debates with him, and found him a man of culture and fine sensibilities. If he and I had lived where we could have become better acquainted, eventually we would have ceased to debate, I firmly believe."

[Source- Chesterton as Seen by His Contemporaries, Cyril Clemens (1939), p. 68]

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