Sunday, May 20, 2012

....we are learning to do a great many clever things. Unless we are much mistaken the next great task will be to learn not to do them.

-Varied Types (1905)

[That quote reminds me of what the character Ian Malcolm states in Jurassic Park, something along the lines of "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that you never stopped to think whether or not they should."]


  1. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that you never stopped to think whether or not they should," is my personal scientific philosophy. ^_^ Possible does not = advisable. It always reminds me of the genetically-engineered glow in the dark bunnies. >_<;

  2. Possible does not = advisable.

    Exactly! There's plenty of things that are "possible"...but if it's not good, then why would want to do it, even if its "possible"? It's not simply good things that are more and more possible to do every day, but evil things as well. The advance of human technology does not comfort me if it is used to further the ends of those who wish to enslave (so to speak) humanity.

    Those bunnies you linked a story to, for instance, are not exactly what I would consider a good idea...
