Monday, April 19, 2010

"I for one have found that nearly all things not evil are better in experience than in theory"

Cynics often speak of the disillusioning effects of experience, but I for one have found that nearly all things not evil are better in experience than in theory. Take, for example, the innovation which I have of late introduced into my domestic life; he is a four-legged innovation in the shape of an Aberdeen terrier. I have always imagined myself to be a lover of all animals, because I have never met any animal that I definitely disliked. Most people draw the line somewhere. Lord Roberts disliked cats; the best woman I know objects to spiders; a Theosophist I know protects, but detests, mice; and many leading humanitarians have an objection to human beings.



  1. So, um, are you the one to blame for the Holy Rule of St. Benedict that arrived this morning in my mailbox? :)

  2. Yes, I confess to the crime. lol.
