Monday, August 25, 2014

But I do definitely think that both sides, and perhaps especially the iconoclastic side, need what the whole modern world needs-- a fixed spiritual standard even for their own intellectual purposes. I might express it by saying that I am very fond of revolutionists, but not very fond of nihilists. For nihilists, as their name implies, have nothing to revolt about.
-The Thing (1929)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

"[J.R.R.] Toliken loved GKC, but he hardly ever talked about him. He had used Chesterton's arguments to try to persuade [C.S.] Lewis to become Catholic, but at a certain point, Tolkien was content that Lewis had become such a strong Christian."

-Walter Hooper (secretary of C.S. Lewis) in an interview with Dale Ahlquist, which appeared in the May/June 2014 issue of Gilbert

Saturday, August 23, 2014


In theory, for example, sleep is a negative thing, a mere cessation of life. But nothing will persuade me that sleep is not really quite positive, some mysterious pleasure which is too perfect to be remembered. It must be some drawing on our divine energies, some forgotten refreshment at the ancient fountains of life. If this is not so, why do we cling to sleep when we have already had enough of it; why does waking up always seem like descending from heaven upon earth? I believe that sleep is a sacrament; or, what is the same thing,a food.
-Lunacy and Letters (1958)
Yes, I've been gone for a while. I suppose I better start updating this blog again... :-)