Sunday, November 22, 2020

The revolt against culture is often the last fashion of the cultured.
-Chesterton on Shakespeare (1971)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Of all such educational processes, the hardest and apparently the most hopeless is the education of the educated They resist education more than anybody else; and they need it more than anybody else.
-May 16, 1916, Illustrated London News

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

[A] ritual is almost the opposite of a routine [...] The essence of real ritual is that a man does something because it signifies something; it may be stiff or slow or ceremonial in form; that depends on the nature of the artistic form that is used. But he does it because it is significant. It is the essence of routine that he does it because it is insignificant.
December 21, 1935 Illustrated London News